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Carnegie Mellon University | Software Engineering Institute

43rd ER 2024The 43rd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling 

Conceptual Modeling, AI, and Beyond



Call for Special Topics (Closed)

The objectives of the “Special Topics” track of the ER2024 Conference include:

  1. Papers submitted later than the deadlines (or other special conditions) to the main conference or regular workshop but are of high quality.
    • Those papers will be recommended by the regular workshop organizers to the “Exploratory Directions” in the Special Topics track for consideration.
    • New papers are also welcome to be submitted to “Exploratory Directions” for consideration.
  2. To experiment new/innovative ways to generate fruitful ideas:
    • A Dagstuhl-style seminar is currently being organized. More information will be available soon.
  3. To focus on one specific conceptual modeling technique or methodology.

We particularly welcome speakers from industry and government agencies.

Methods for getting targeted speakers

  • By invitation and/or open calls for proposals

Number of speakers per workshop

  • 5-6 per session (minimum of 4); one or two sessions per workshop.

All special topic proposals or papers must be submitted to EasyChair. More details are available below.

Publication Choices

  • Each speaker should prepare either an abstract or a paper (several standard formats will be permitted)
  • Possible publication channels:
    • An ER 2024 Special Topics CEUR Proceedings
    • A separate CEUR proceedings (special permission required) • A possible book on a specific topic, after the conference

Conference Registration & Submission

Each speaker will need to register for the ER 2024 conference based on the “one paper/talk per registration” convention.

Submissions should be made via EasyChair in PDF format by selecting “Special Topics” track. For submission, please follow either the Springer format and page limit as stated in the main conference/regular workshop tracks or new CEUR-ART 1-column format, which can be viewed online or downloaded. After the papers are accepted, authors will be notified for the exact format for publication in the CEUR proceedings.


Currently, there is an open Call for Papers for a workshop on a specific modeling technique: The 17th International i* Workshop (iStar’24).

i* Workshop proposals are welcome to explore the interactions and integration of conceptual/ER modeling with another scientific domain such as:

  • Natural or Programming Languages
  • Biology Sciences
  • Library Sciences
  • Cybersecurity
  • Digital Twins
  • Software Engineering
  • Cognitive Sciences
  • Chip Design
  • Supply Chain
  • Decision Making
  • Other

The 17th International i* Workshop (iStar’24)

Submit a paper for iStar'24

The iStar workshop series is dedicated to the discussion of concepts, methods, techniques, tools, and applications associated with i* (iStar) and related goal modelling frameworks and approaches (Tropos, GRL, ...).

The proposed iStar’21 workshop would follow successful workshops from Trento in 2002 to London in 2005, up until Hyderabad (2022, Virtual), and most recently Hannover (2023).

As with previous editions, the objective of the workshop is to provide a unique opportunity for researchers in the area to exchange ideas, compare notes, promote interactions, and forge new collaborations.

The focus of the iStar workshop series is quite specific and provides an additional forum for the conceptual modeling community to exchange the latest ideas and research on goal and social modeling. In line with the ER24 conference theme “Conceptual Modeling, AI, and Beyond", this edition of the iStar workshop series also seeks to explore how i* may be best applied to support AI and new avenues of research.