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Carnegie Mellon University | Software Engineering Institute

43rd ER 2024The 43rd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling  

Conceptual Modeling, AI, and Beyond




Learn more about registration rates and policies below. If you need an invitation letter to obtain a visa, please send an email to Michele Falce. Please note that conference, tutorial, and workshop speakers, panelists, and authors are required to register at the full conference rate. Please see the table below for rates.

Note that the registration process is managed by the Software Engineering Institute through Eventbrite. If you encounter problems registering online, please contact Michele Falce.

Registration Rates

Registration payment for ER 2024 can be made using credit card, PayPal, Google Pay, check, or purchase order.

Registration Type Early* (until September 19) Late (after September 19) Workshops & Tutorials***
Regular $495 $595 $150
Student** $300    
Author Registration $495 N/A  
Co-Author Registration $350 N/A  
Additional Paper Author $300 N/A  
Social Events (Guest) $100 $100  


Regular, Author, and Student registrations include access to all events from October 28-31. Also included each day is breakfast, lunch, breaks, and scheduled social events.

All accepted authors who are presenting at ER 2024 are required to register at the Author Registration rate. If you are a primary author on an additional paper, you are also required to register using the Additional Paper Author registration. This additional rate will cover the costs of publication and overhead. If you are a co-author on a paper (but not a primary author on another paper), you may register using the Co-Author Registration fee.

* "Early" registrations are available until September 19.

** "Student" registrations are available until October 25. Please note that students must produce evidence of their status at an accredited university.

*** The "Workshop & Tutorials" registration fee includes one full day of workshops and tutorials that are scheduled on October 28, as well as breakfast, lunch, and breaks that day. You may attend any of the workshop and tutorials that day, schedule to be determined. Please see the various workshops listed at Co-located Workshops for more information.

NOTE: closer to the conference, an email will be sent to all registered participants asking for their preference for attending the workshops and tutorials on October 28.

If you are registered for the conference and would like to invite guests to attend the Welcome Reception on October 29 and/or the Conference Dinner Cruise on October 30, you may purchase separate tickets using the ER 2024 Social Events (Guest) ticket. No alcoholic beverages will be served to anyone who appears to be under the age of 21. The ER 2024 Conference and its vendors has the right to require proof of age before serving alcoholic beverages.

Payment Methods

We must receive your full payment prior to the conference, preferably through the Eventbrite registration system, or you will be expected to pay on-site before attending the conference. Acceptable methods of payment include credit cards, checks, and purchase orders. Only credit card orders and checks will be accepted on-site.

We accept only U.S. currency. The SEI’s federal identification number is 25-0969449.

Cancellation Policy

Refunds requested in writing by October 18, 2024, will be processed 2-4 weeks after the conference minus a $75 administrative fee. No refunds will be given after October 18. Those who do not cancel by this date and do not attend will not be issued refunds. Substitute attendees are welcome at no extra charge; please notify us of substitutions at least 3 weeks prior to the conference so we can prepare registration materials.