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Situational Awareness for Cybersecurity: Beyond the Network

Angela Horneman and Timothy Morrow discuss the importance of looking beyond the network to gain situational awareness for cybersecurity.

Software Engineering Institute




Situational awareness helps decision makers throughout an organization have the information and understanding available to make good decisions. Situational awareness makes it possible to get relevant information from across an organization, to integrate that information, and to disseminate it to help people make better decisions. In this SEI Podcast, Angela Horneman and Timothy Morrow discuss the importance of looking beyond the network to gain situational awareness for cybersecurity.

About the Speaker

Headshot of Timothy Morrow

Timothy Morrow

Tim Morrow is the situational awareness technical manager in the SEI CERT Division’s Monitoring and Response Directorate. Morrow applies architecture-centric approaches to systems-of-systems to analyze and identify potential risks to improve their cybersecurity. Morrow’s past experience includes providing acquisition and technical support for the complete lifecycle of DoD and non-DoD …

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Angela Horneman

Angela Horneman is an SEI alumni employee.

Angela Horneman is a network intelligence analyst for the SEI's CERT Division. Her focus is on helping others understand network cybersecurity topics and solve related problems so that they can make better decisions, improve their security posture, and better interact in the cyber …

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