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SMART Materials

Educational Material
SMART materials help organizations make better decisions on their paths to adopting a service-oriented architecture.

Software Engineering Institute


The SOA Migration, Adoption and Reuse Technique (SMART) helps organizations  make better decisions on their path to SOA adoption.  From the SMART family of techniques you can choose those that are appropriate for your organization.

SMART comprises a family of techniques, each targeted to a different set of organizational needs. Each member involves a process, an interview guide, and artifacts for use in the process.

  • SMART-MP (Migration Pilot) helps you select a pilot project for the initial implementation of your migration strategy.
  • SMART-AF (Adoption Feasibility) establishes whether your organization can migrate toward an SOA environment.
  • SMART-ESP (Enterprise Service Portfolio) guides you in selecting and creating services from your legacy systems.
  • SMART-ENV (Environment) examines the costs and risks of migrating to a target SOA environment. Selects and creates services from its systems portfolio.
  • SMART-SYS (System) aids your organization if you want to develop and maintain a complete service-oriented system.